"Tesla's CEO Acknowledges Challenges in Developing Pickup Trucks"

 Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that pickup trucks are both difficult to design and difficult to manufacture.

The highly anticipated pickup truck - Tesla Cybertruck is on schedule to officially be on the market by the end of this year, but Mr. Musk said that it is not easy to design and build a pure electric pickup truck.

Tesla's CEO admits making a pickup truck is difficult - 1

The Cybertruck pickup truck has a completely different design (Photo: Tesla).

Tesla will use giant 9,000-ton Giga Press die-casting machines at the IDRA Italy factory to stamp the largest metal parts for the vehicle, to simplify the entire production process and reduce costs.

Mr. Elon Musk said the company is making great efforts to bring the Cybertruck pickup truck into production and that it is a difficult product to design, but promises to be great.

Previously, Elon Musk said that he would use Cybertruck as a daily vehicle. He sat behind the wheel of this pickup truck prototype during the groundbreaking for Tesla's lithium battery factory. That car was equipped with a roof rack never seen before.

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