Just hours after Apple announced its Q1 2025 earnings with a revenue of $124.3 b

illion, new data has revealed the global smartphone revenue market share in 2024.
According to a report from Co
unterpoint Research, Apple conti
nues to lead the market with 46% of total industry revenue, while setting the highest av
erage selling price ever. However, Apple is also facing increasingly fierce competition fr
om Chinese manufacturers.
46% of total smartphone revenue in 2024 belongs to Apple.
46% of total smartphone revenue in 2024 belongs to Apple.
The report shows that global smartphone revenue in 2024 increased by 5% comp
ared to the previous year, ending a two-year decline. The main reason comes from the improvement in macroeconomic conditions an
d consumer sentiment, helping the market recover significantly.
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According to Shilpi Jain, senior analyst at Counterpoint Research, global smar
tphone revenue grew strongly thanks to wider 5G adoption, improved camera te
hnology and upgraded processor chips. The average selling price (ASP) of smartphones also increased to $356 - the highest level in many years.
Apple remains the company with the highest revenue market share, increasing from 38% to 46% in 2024. The average selling price
of iPhones increased sharply from $724 to $903, becoming a record number. This refl
ects Apple's strategy of focusing on high-end products with increasingly high prices.
The gap between Samsung and Apple is quite large.
The gap between Samsung and Apple is quite large.
Meanwhile, Samsung maintained its second place with 15%, down slightly from 17% last year. Its average selling price reached $299, a large gap compared to Apple.
Perhaps most notable are the Chinese brands, which are becoming a significant threat to Apple and Samsung. Vivo saw the
fastest revenue growth, up 20% year-on-year. Xiaomi also saw growth, up 16% year-on-year. Interestingly, Huawei is absent from the top list, which may be due to its dominance being largely confined to the domestic Chinese market.
Investing in high-end models has paid off for Apple.
Investing in high-end models has paid off for Apple.
New data also shows that emerging markets such as the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia will be important growth areas in the future. With fierce competition between Apple, Samsung and Chinese brands, the smartphone market in the coming years promises to be an interesting one.