Before the Galaxy S25 Edge came out, Samsung had many phones with much more unique designs.

Samsung introduced a lot of cool stuff at its Galaxy Unpacked event last Wednesday
. But the highlight of the event was the Galaxy S25 Edge. For experts, this flagship could usher in a whole new era.
However, this isn't the first time the company has reinvented itself. He
re are some of Samsung 's most ambitious mobile devices of all time .
Samsung Galaxy Alpha
Released: 2014
Design highlights: Samsung has finally ditched its all-plastic build.
The Samsung Galaxy Alpha brought an end to Samsung's streak of a
ll-plastic phones. The change ushered in a new, more premium generation of Samsung phones.
Samsung Galaxy Alpha.
Samsung Galaxy Alpha.
Gone are the glossy plastic bodies that the first five generations of Galaxy S phones used
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, instead the product has an aluminum frame combined with a soft back. In particular, the Galaxy Alpha is also extremely thin and light.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Released: 2011
Special design feature: Smooth Hyper Skin layer
This is the last Nexus phone made by Samsung, but the Galaxy Nexus is special fo
r a number of reasons. While it still sticks to an all-plastic build, the phone stands out largely because of its curved design — which makes it more comfortable to hold.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus.
In fact, the addition of the Hyper Skin finish to the back made the Galaxy Nexus much more scratch-resistant and easier to grip. Compared to the smooth backs that most phones had at the
time, this diamond-like texture elevated the design of the Galaxy Nexus.
Samsung Galaxy Note
Released: 2011
Design highlights: This is the first hybrid phone-tablet ever released.
The best phones today are huge compared to a decade ago. Samsung made everyone pay attention with the Galaxy Note when it launched in 2011, which was huge at the time.
Samsung Galaxy Note.
Samsung Galaxy Note.
Not only that, the Galaxy Note also introduced the S Pen to the public.