The latest survey shows that iPhone users are increasingly dependent on this device.
Consumers who own Apple devices are increasingly dependent on their iPhones , iPads, and Macs. Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) quantified this dependence by surveying thousands of Apple device owners about how long they would wait to replace or repair a lost or damaged Apple device such as an iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
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The results are incredible, 83% of iPhone owners would replace a lost or broken iPhone within a day or two. 47% would replace the device the same day if they lost their iPhone or it stopped working properly.
The survey found that most iPhone users would not wait too long to buy a replacement if their iPhone was lost or pay to repair a broken iPhone. This shows that they are too dependent on this product. The survey also found that 96% of iPhone owners would not wait more than a week to replace their lost iPhone or pay to repair their broken iPhone.
Meanwhile, 85% of iPad users and 89% of Mac users do not want to wait more than a week to buy a replacement device if it is lost or spend money to repair a broken device.
iFan all have quite a lot of trust in Apple products.
iPad users are also quick to pay to replace or repair their tablets. 58% said they would pay to buy a new iPad or fix a broken device within a day or two of their device being lost or stopped working. 27% of those surveyed admitted they would spend the money needed to buy a new iPad or fix their tablet the same day if their device was lost or broken.
Only 4% of users are willing to wait more than a month to replace or repair their iPad, compared to 1% of iPhone users.
Mac users rely on their computers more than iPad users. 70% would replace or repair a lost or broken Mac within the first day or two; 34% wouldn't wait any longer if their Mac was lost or stopped working. 19% wouldn't wait more than a week for a replacement or repair, and only 6% would wait longer than a month.
The bottom line is that iPhone, iPad, and Mac users really rely on these products. If something happens to them and they become unusable, they will be replaced or repaired as quickly as possible.